5 Best Indonesian Foods

Whats up all my friend ! How's Life? Now i will tell you about Indonesian foods.Indonesia have so many traditional food.If you visit Indonesia,you must try these top 5 Indonesian foods.

1. Rendang

Rendang is a spicy meat from Padang.Rendang is one of the most delicious food in the World.Rendang is categorized as a main course.Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally beef liver, chicken, mutton, water buffalo, duck, or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava). Chicken or duck rendang also contains tamarind and is usually not cooked for as long as beef rendang.One piece of rendang and rice costs 18000 to 30000 rupiah or $1.38 until $2.3.

2. Sate

Sate is screwed and grilled meat.Sate served with peanut sauce.Sate comes from Java,Many restraunt in Indonesia served sate as their main menu.Sate may consist of sliced chicken,goat,beef,or pork.Sate is also one of the best Indonesian street food.10 skewers price range of 14000 until 20000 rupiah or $1.04 until $1.5.

3. Ayam Bakar

Ayam bakar is an Indonesia traditional food from Java.Ayam bakar is a grilled chicken with soy sauce.Usually,ayam bakar served with hot rice,tempe,and sambal(chili sauce).There are many recipes of ayam bakar, among the popular ones are Padang-style ayam bakar, Ayam Percik and Ayam Golek from Malaysia, ayam bakar Taliwang of Lombok island, Sundanese bakakak hayam, and Javanese ayam bakar bumbu rujak (grilled spicy coconut chicken).Ayam Bakar and Rice costs 14000 until 25000 rupiah or $1.04 until $1.9.

4. Ayam Goreng

I think Ayam Goreng is the most famous food in Indonesia.Ayam goreng is easy to cooked.Every food court in Indonesia sold this food.Ayam Goreng usually served with sambal and hot rice.Ayam goreng categorized as main course.The spice mixture may vary among regions, but usually it consists of a combination of ground shallot, garlic, Indian bay leaves, turmeric, lemongrass, tamarind juice, candlenut, galangal, salt and sugar.Ayam goreng and rice costs 10000 until 20000 rupiah or $0.8 until $1.5.

5. Bakso

Bakso is also called meatball.Bakso comes from malang.Bakso usually made with beef.Bakso served with a soup.We can find bakso on the mall or on the street.Because bakso is the most famous Indonesian street food.Today, various types of ready to cook bakso also available as frozen food commonly sold in supermarkets in Indonesia.Bakso costs 7000 until 13000 rupiah or $0.5 until $1.

Thanks For Reading ! Have a nice day.
